Innovation and Success
Publication of Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce | June 2012
Dalton Utilities, in partnership with Georgia Power, has created a solar plant located on Dalton Utilities’ property. All of the renewable energy credits will become the property of Dalton Utilities. The initial phase of the plant, located on Looper Bridge Road in Dalton, went online in 2011. Construction on the second phase was completed in late March. The first two phases consist of more than 3,100 fixed-tilt solar panels and provide a combined capacity of approximately 700 kW, enough energy to power 95 homes.
Dalton Utilities has not stopped with just solar energy. The utility company is currently partnering with the University of Georgia to make algae even “greener.” The partnership was born two years ago in an effort to determine the effectiveness of algae in removing nutrients from wastewater. In the process, a multi-faceted benefit was discovered – algae is effective in removing nutrients like phosphorous and nitrogen from the wastestream and algae is a great source for the creation of biodiesel. If everything goes as intended Dalton Utilities plans to build a full-scale production plant on its property with the ultimate goal to produce enough biodiesel to power the Utility’s diesel fleet.
The innovation of local businesses has resulted in many new ideas, methods and products, both then and now. As Cofield stated, “Anything we lack in education is made up with pure innovation.”
Innovation is thriving in Greater Dalton and it is all around us, whether we realize it or not.